
Find influencers:
The expert’s playbook for strategic influencer engagement

by | Nov 15, 2023 | Marketing Tips

Learning how to find influencers can be a game-changer for your brand’s success.

But with over 250 million influencers, how do you know which one is the best fit for your brand? 

As an expert at Click Analytic with years of experience in influencer marketing, I’m here to share my insider knowledge to help you master this task. 

The power of influencer engagement is undeniable, and finding the right influencer can significantly boost your brand’s visibility and profitability.

However, failing to find the perfect influencer can sabotage your marketing before it even starts.

Let me show you how to avoid the nasty pitfalls and find influencers that take your marketing to the next level.

👉 Pro tip: Are you in a hurry? Use an influencer analysis and marketing platform to find relevant influencers to work with.

Why work with influencers?

93% of brands use influencer marketing.

One truth consistently stands out: working with influencers is a powerful strategy. 

Influencers can bridge the gap between a brand and its target audience, leveraging trust and authenticity.

Here’s why I recommend you find an influencer today:

🎯 Amplified reach and engagement

Influencers have devoted followers who trust their opinions.

This trust translates into higher engagement rates for your brand when endorsed by an influencer.

My experience shows that audiences engaged through influencers are more likely to interact with your content, leading to increased brand awareness and reach.

🎯 Enhanced brand credibility

Aligning with the right influencer can lend immense credibility to your brand.

Influencers are authorities in their niches.

When they advocate for a product or service, their endorsement is a powerful form of social proof.

🎯 Targeted audience access

Influencers cater to specific niches, providing access to a concentrated audience already interested in your industry or product.

This targeted approach often results in higher conversion rates than traditional marketing methods.

🎯 Cost-effective marketing

From my observations, influencer marketing can be incredibly cost-effective, especially compared to traditional advertising.

Many brands report a higher return on investment (ROI), up to 11 times as much as other marketing mediums.

🎯 Creative and authentic content

Influencers are content creators at heart.

They know how to craft messages that resonate with their audience.

By collaborating with them, you gain access to authentic and creative content that feels more relatable to consumers than standard advertising.

🎯 Better performance

User-generated content (UGC) shows exceptional performance when brands showcase this influencer content type on their websites, paid media, etc.

👉 What does that mean for you?

The right influencer collaboration can transform your brand’s story and connect you with your audience in a meaningful and profitable way.

My ultimate guide to finding influencers: 6 Easy steps

Now, let me help you find influencers.

I’ve boiled it down to 6 quick steps you can reproduce, no matter what industry your business is in.

Step 1: Set your campaign goals

Brand awareness vs driving sales.

Like in every other marketing campaign, the first step is to set clear and achievable campaign goals.

You can’t send the influencer a bunch of products and expect them to work magic. 

In my experience, a well-defined goal is the compass that guides every successful influencer collaboration.

Here’s how to get it right:

🌟 Define clear objectives

Start by asking yourself, “What do I want to achieve through this influencer campaign?”

It could be increasing brand awareness, driving sales, launching a new product, or enhancing your brand’s social media presence.

Be as specific as possible.

For instance, rather than aiming for ‘increased engagement,’ target ’a 20% increase in engagement on Instagram over the next three months.’

🌟 Understand your audience

Knowing your target audience is critical. Align your goals with the interests and needs of your audience.

If your brand caters to young adults interested in sustainable living, your goal might be to partner with influencers who have credibility and a following in this niche.

🌟 Set measurable outcomes

Establishing quantifiable influencer marketing metrics for success is vital.

This could include metrics like engagement rate, conversion rate, or the number of new followers.

Having these metrics helps in tracking the progress and effectiveness of the campaign.

🌟 Align with brand values and objectives

Ensure your campaign goals align with your overall brand objectives and values.

If your brand values authenticity and community involvement, choose influencers who embody these traits and can authentically communicate your brand’s message.

🌟 Be realistic and flexible

While it’s good to aim high, it’s also essential to set realistic goals considering your budget, resources, and market conditions.

Be prepared to adjust your goals as you progress based on the responses and results you observe.

👉 By setting clear, measurable, and aligned campaign goals, you lay a solid foundation for your influencer marketing strategy.

Pro tip: Grab this free influencer marketing brief template to start brainstorming.

Step 2: Set your budget

Once you’ve set some concrete goals, it’s time to determine your budget.

Determining the proper budget for your influencer marketing campaign is a critical step that requires careful consideration and strategic planning.

I can assure you that a well-planned budget is crucial to a campaign’s success.

Here’s how to approach this:

🌟 Assess your financial resources

Start by evaluating your overall marketing budget.

How much can you allocate to influencer marketing without straining your resources?

Remember, influencer marketing should complement your other marketing efforts, not overshadow them.

🌟 Understand influencer rates

Influencer costs can vary widely based on their reach, engagement rate, niche, and content quality. Research the going rates for influencers within your target niche.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to influencers or their agents for quotes. This will give you a realistic picture of the market rates.

Pro tip: Did you know tools like our influencer analysis platform help estimate the cost of working with an influencer? It saves time and money!

🌟 Calculate potential ROI

Consider the possible return on investment (ROI) when setting your budget.

Based on industry benchmarks, like the $5.78 return for every $1 spent on influencer marketing, estimate what ROI you can expect.

Adjust your budget to maximise this ROI, considering higher spending doesn’t always guarantee better returns.

🌟 Explore cost-effective options

If you’re working with a limited budget, consider collaborating with micro or nano influencers.

They often have highly engaged audiences and can be more affordable than influencers with larger followings.

This is a smart way to achieve high engagement without a hefty price tag.

Pro tip: Grab these free micro-influencer marketing tips to make money.

🌟 Be prepared for additional costs

Apart from the influencer’s fee, factor in costs for content creation, any product giveaways, and potential ad spend to amplify the influencer’s content.

A comprehensive budget accounts for all these aspects.

🌟 Monitor and adjust

Once your campaign is underway, measure your influencer marketing performance against your spending.

Be flexible and ready to adapt your budget allocation based on what’s working. This approach ensures you’re investing more in strategies that yield results.

👉 Setting your budget allows you to invest in a strategic partnership that can yield significant returns.

A balanced approach to budgeting, considering both cost and effectiveness, positions your influencer marketing campaign for success.

Step 3: Understand your audience

A phone with a pie chart on it and a pie chart next to it.

Grasping the nuances of your target audience is a step you cannot afford to overlook in influencer marketing.

I’ve learned that a deep understanding of your audience separates a good campaign from a great one.

Here’s why it’s essential:

🌟 Identifying the right influencers

Knowing your audience inside out helps identify influencers who resonate with them.

If your target audience is eco-conscious millennials, an influencer specialising in sustainability and green living would be a perfect match.

The alignment between your audience’s interests and the influencer’s niche is crucial for campaign success.

🌟 Tailoring content effectively

Understanding your audience’s preferences, pain points, and behaviours allows you to tailor content that strikes a chord with them.

This insight guides the influencer in creating content that is engaging but also relevant and relatable to your audience.

🌟 Maximising engagement and conversion

When you know your audience well, you can anticipate their reactions and preferences.

This knowledge enables you to design campaigns more likely to generate high engagement and conversion rates.

🌟 Building long-term relationships

Understanding your audience is about more than just immediate campaign gains. It’s about building long-term relationships.

When your audience feels seen and heard, they are likelier to develop a lasting connection with your brand, turning one-time customers into loyal brand advocates.

🌟 Evolving with your audience

Remember, audiences evolve, and so should your understanding of them.

Regularly updating your audience research and keeping a pulse on their changing needs and preferences ensures your campaigns remain effective.

👉 Understanding your audience is the foundation for successful influencer marketing campaigns.

Understand what makes them tick, and use these insights to create campaigns that resonate more deeply.

Step 4: Identify the right influencers

Find the perfect influencer.

Okay, now you understand your audience and know what budget you’ve got to work with, it’s time to find influencers.

Choosing the right influencers is a pivotal step in your influencer marketing journey.

I’ve created a set of criteria and tools to ensure you partner with influencers who can amplify your brand’s message.

Here’s how to approach this critical task:

🌟 Select based on relevant audience

The influencer’s audience should align closely with your target demographic.

An influencer with a smaller but highly engaged and relevant audience can often yield better results than one with a larger, less targeted following.

🌟 Assess engagement rates

Engagement rate is a more telling metric than follower count.

Look for influencers with high levels of interaction (likes, comments, shares) with their audience. This indicates an active, interested following that’s more likely to respond to your brand.

🌟 Value authenticity

Choose influencers who maintain authenticity in their content.

Their promotional posts should feel natural and in line with their usual content.

Influencers who are selective about their partnerships and maintain a genuine voice are more likely to be trusted by their audience.

🌟 Use tools and platforms

Influencer analysis and marketing tools like Click Analytic offer valuable insights into influencer metrics and audience demographics.

These platforms can help you analyse potential influencers’ reach, engagement, audience authenticity, and more, streamlining the selection process.

🌟 Understand the significance of metrics

Beyond the basic metrics of reach and engagement, delve into audience insights like age, location, interests, and consumer behaviour.

These metrics provide a deeper understanding of how well an influencer can connect your brand with your target audience.

🌟 Look for niche experts

Influencers who are considered experts in a specific niche often have highly engaged and loyal audiences.

Their endorsement can carry significant weight if their expertise aligns with your product or service.

Pro tip: Read my epic guide on niche-influencer marketing to learn more.

👉 By meticulously applying these criteria and utilising the right tools, you can identify influencers who are popular and fit your brand and audience.

Step 5: Engage your influencers

A pink handshake with the words work together for optimal results.

Over the years, I’ve refined a process that ensures both parties—brand and influencer—work together seamlessly for optimal results.

Here’s how you can effectively engage with influencers:

🌟 Initial outreach

Your first contact with influencers should be personalised and respectful of their work.

Highlight why you believe they’re a good fit for your brand and clearly outline what you’re looking for. This initial outreach sets the tone for your relationship, so make it count.

Pro tip: I’ve written 5 free influencer marketing email templates to help your outreach efforts. Grab ’em now.

🌟 Open dialogue and collaboration

Once an influencer shows interest, engage them in a discussion about your campaign goals and their creative ideas.

This collaborative approach ensures both parties are on the same page and excited about the partnership.

🌟 Contract documentation

A clear contract is vital.

It should outline the scope of work, deliverables, deadlines, compensation, and legal requirements.

Transparency and clarity in the contract protect both your brand and the influencer.

Pro tip: In a hurry? Use this free influencer marketing contract to get started.

🌟 Setting content guidelines

While it’s essential to have content guidelines, they should not stifle the influencer’s creativity.

Provide a clear brief but also encourage influencers to use their unique voice and style. This balance is critical to creating authentic and engaging content.

Pro tip: Start by grabbing this free influencer marketing brief and then modify it for your project.

🌟 Respecting creative freedom

One of the biggest mistakes brands make is micromanaging influencer content. Trust the influencer’s expertise in content creation.

Their authenticity is what engages their audience, so allow them the freedom to present your brand in a way that resonates with their followers.

🌟Ongoing support and communication

Throughout the campaign, maintain open lines of communication. Be available to answer questions, provide feedback, and support their efforts.

Acknowledge their work and engage with the content they create for your brand.

🌟 Feedback and adjustment

After the content goes live, evaluate its performance together.

Be open to giving and receiving feedback. This helps in refining current strategies and lays the groundwork for future collaborations.

👉 By following these steps, you ensure a smooth and productive engagement with influencers.

This approach fosters professional respect and encourages influencers to create content that aligns with your brand’s vision and resonates with your audience.

Step 6: Test and adapt your strategy

A pink light bulb and a paper with the words test and analyze.

So what happens next?

After you’ve launched your campaign, it’s time to test and adapt your strategy. Influencer marketing, like any dynamic marketing field, requires an agile approach. 

I’ve seen that the most successful campaigns are flexible and adaptable.

Here’s how you can incorporate this into your influencer marketing strategy:

🌟 Testing different approaches

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of influencers, content formats, and messaging. Testing allows you to understand what resonates best with your audience.

For example, while working with a skincare brand, we experimented with tutorial-style and testimonial-style content from influencers. The tutorial-style content led to a higher engagement, informing our future strategy.

You can also find local influencers and use them to drum up business.

🌟 Analysing campaign performance

Regularly analyse the performance of your influencer campaigns. To understand the impact, look at engagement rates, website traffic, and conversion rates.

Use tools to gather data and insights, and don’t just focus on vanity metrics like likes and followers. Recognise the influencer marketing metrics that spell success.

🌟 Incorporating feedback

Be open to feedback from your audience and the influencers.

They can offer valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not.

For instance, in a campaign I managed, audience feedback led us to shift from high-gloss, polished content to more raw and authentic content, significantly improving engagement.

🌟 Evolving with trends and audience needs

Stay abreast of the latest influencer marketing trends and social media.

Your audience’s preferences might evolve, and so should your strategy. Continuously refine your approach based on these changing dynamics.

🌟 Building long-term influencer relationships

Successful adaptation also involves building long-term relationships with influencers. This allows for a deeper understanding and more effective collaboration over time, making it easier to adapt strategies as needed.

👉 Flexibility is key. By embracing this, you position your brand to make the most of influencer collaborations.

My insider tips: Getting more out of your influencer marketing campaigns

My insider tips my insider tips my insider tips my insider tips my insider tips my insider tips my insider tips my inside.

Having navigated the influencer marketing landscape for years, I’ve gathered a trove of insider tips that can significantly amplify the impact of your campaigns.

These insights go beyond the basics, delving into strategies that extract more value from every collaboration:

👉 Foster long-term partnerships

One-off campaigns can drive short-term gains, but long-term partnerships with influencers build trust and credibility over time. 

When an influencer consistently champions your brand, their audience begins to see your products or services as a genuine part of their lifestyle.

This continuity enhances brand loyalty and yields more organic and sustained results.

👉 Subtle and genuine product mentions

Audiences are savvy to overt advertising; subtlety can be powerful. Encourage influencers to integrate your products into their content in a natural and authentic way.

For instance, casually mentioning or showing your product in use during their daily routine can be more effective than a direct sales pitch.

👉 Aim for user-generated content

There’s immense value in content created by users, as it speaks volumes about the real-world appeal of your brand. 

Encourage influencers to foster user-generated content campaigns, like inviting their followers to share their own experiences with your products.

This not only deepens audience engagement but also provides you with authentic content that can be repurposed for your marketing channels.

👉 Leverage micro or nano influencers

Don’t underestimate the power of micro or nano influencers. These individuals often have highly engaged niche audiences.

Their recommendations can be more genuine and relatable, driving higher engagement rates. 

Partnering with several micro or nano influencers can be more effective and cost-efficient than working with a single celebrity influencer.

👉 Analyse and learn continuously

Always be in a learning mode. Analyse the outcomes of each campaign meticulously. What worked? What didn’t?

Use these insights to refine your approach continuously. The influencer marketing world is dynamic, and staying adaptable is key to staying ahead.


As you can see, learning how to find influencers is easy. Remember, an influencer analysis platform is invaluable in streamlining and finding the perfect match for your brand. 

Yet, the true essence of success lies in genuine partnerships and creative collaborations that resonate with your audience. Embrace these elements, and you’ll see your influencer campaigns flourish.

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Influencer Marketing Articles

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