
How to create an influencer marketing contract (With examples!)

by | Nov 24, 2023 | Marketing Tips

Let’s talk about influencer marketing

It’s not just a buzzword anymore; it’s a powerhouse strategy! 💸

Did you know that influencer marketing is set to grow to an astonishing $13.8 billion industry by the end of 2023? Quite impressive, right?

With such skyrocketing popularity, it’s vital to get the details right. 

Enter the influencer marketing contract – it’s the roadmap that ensures everyone’s on the same page, from creative freedom to legal must-dos.

It’s your recipe for a hassle-free, effective partnership.

So, buckle up as we at Click Analytic dive into why a well-crafted influencer marketing contract is a must-have in your marketing toolkit! 🧰🛠️

⚠️ Spoiler alert: We’ll also share 7 easy steps to write your influencer marketing agreement, or just grab this free influencer marketing contract template.

What is an influencer marketing contract?

66% of marketers say finding influencers is a challenge.

An influencer marketing contract is a formal agreement between a brand (that’s you!) and an influencer. 

It outlines everything from the nitty-gritty of the campaign details to the big-picture goals. 📃🖋️

This contract is where you dot your i’s and cross your t’s on aspects like the content to be created, how it’s shared, compensation, and other critical terms.

Imagine you’re about to embark on an exciting road trip (the influencer marketing campaign) with a new friend (the influencer). What’s the first thing you do? 

You map out the journey, set some ground rules, and agree on who brings the snacks, right?

That’s essentially what an influencer marketing contract is all about – but in the marketing world.

Now, why all the fuss about a contract? 

👉 Well, here’s a nugget of wisdom: 68% of marketers consider finding the right influencers their biggest challenge. 

This is where a well-structured contract comes to the rescue! It’s your safety net, ensuring both parties understand their roles, responsibilities, and expectations.

More importantly, legal protection is always a necessity. 

A solid influencer marketing contract protects your brand from potential legal pitfalls, ensuring compliance with regulations like the FTC guidelines. 

💡 Pro tip: Remember, clarity in collaboration is not just about making things easier; it’s about making them more effective and legally sound.

Essential components of an influencer marketing contract

What makes a great contract?.

Let’s delve into the components of a superb influencer marketing contract. It becomes easier to create an influencer agreement when you know what to include.

Content creation details

When you’re teaming up with an influencer, you’re essentially commissioning a masterpiece, and every masterpiece needs a clear vision. 👓

This is where the content creation details in your influencer marketing contract come into play.

So, what exactly goes into this section? 

You’re crafting a recipe for the content cocktail you desire, so the recipe must include the following:

👉 Type of content

Are you looking for eye-catching Instagram posts, engaging TikTok dances, insightful blog articles, or a mix of everything? 

Specify the content type to align with your campaign goals. For instance, Instagram is ideal for visual storytelling, while blogs can delve deeper into product details.

👉 Format specifications

This is about the ‘how’ of the content. Will it be a series of photos, a video tutorial, or perhaps a live Q&A session? Each format has its charm and reaches the audience in unique ways.

👉 Platform focus

Different platforms cater to different demographics and content styles. 

Are you targeting the trendy TikTok crowd, the professional LinkedIn network, or the diverse audience on Facebook? Your choice here should resonate with where your target audience hangs out the most.

👉 Creative guidelines

While you want the influencer to infuse their creativity and personal style (that’s why you chose them, after all!), it’s essential to set some creative boundaries. This might include brand tone, messaging, and visual elements to ensure brand consistency.

Brand guidelines and aesthetics

Outline your brand guidelines and aesthetics in the influencer contract.

Have you ever seen a social media post and immediately recognised the brand behind it, even before seeing the logo? 

That’s the power of solid brand aesthetics and guidelines! Maintaining this brand identity is both an art and a science.

Why does this matter in your contract? 

Well, imagine your brand as a character in a story. This character has a distinct personality, style, and way of speaking. 

When influencers represent your brand, they become the narrator of your story. Their narration must stay true to your character.

Address these points in your influencer agreement:

👉 Visual consistency

This includes your brand colours, logo usage, and overall visual theme. Consistency here ensures that the content is instantly recognisable as yours. Consistent brand presentation can increase revenue by up to 23%. Impressive, right?

👉 Tone and messaging

Whether your brand voice is playful, professional, or somewhere in between, ensure this is reflected in the influencer’s content. The tone should resonate with your audience and reflect your brand values.

👉 Content alignment

Ensure that the content aligns with your overall marketing strategy and campaign objectives. It should feel like a natural extension of your brand narrative, not an out-of-place ad.

👉 Flexibility within frameworks

While it’s important to maintain brand consistency, give influencers some room to be creative. After all, their unique style and approach are why their followers love them!

💡 Our insider tip: By clearly outlining your brand guidelines and aesthetics in the influencer contract, you set the stage for content that looks and feels like your brand. Ir also resonates deeply with both your audience and the influencer’s followers.

Compensation structure

Compensation is the backbone of the agreement.

In any partnership, one of the key questions is, “What’s in it for me?

For influencers, this is where the compensation structure comes into play.

It’s the backbone of the agreement, ensuring that the value exchange between your brand and the influencer is transparent and fair.

You can use several different compensation methods. Just be sure to stipulate them in the contract.

👉 Monetary compensation

This is the most straightforward model. You pay an influencer a set fee for their work. The amount can vary based on the influencer’s reach, engagement rate, and the complexity of the campaign. 

👉 Product-based compensation

Here, instead of money, influencers receive products. This model works well for tangible goods and can be particularly effective if your product has a high perceived value or is in high demand.

👉 Commission or affiliate model

Influencers earn a commission for every sale or lead generated from their content. This model is highly performance-oriented, and you can track it through unique affiliate links or discount codes.

👉 Hybrid models

Sometimes, a mix of product and monetary compensation can be appealing, especially for long-term collaborations or high-value campaigns.

💡 Pro tip: Use an influencer analysis tool to estimate the cost of working with an influencer before you start negotiations.

After deciding on compensation, you must define payment timelines. 

Here are some of our favourite rules when drafting an influencer agreement:

👉 Define clear timelines for payments. Transparency is critical, whether it’s a lump sum upfront, a staggered payment plan aligning with campaign milestones, or post-campaign payouts.

👉 For product-based compensation, clarify when and how the products will be delivered.

In the case of commission-based models, establish regular intervals for commission calculations and payments.

💡 Did you know? A well-thought-out compensation structure in your influencer marketing contract motivates the influencer to deliver their best work. It also aligns their efforts with your campaign objectives. That’s a win-win situation.

Legal obligations and FTC guidelines

Legal guidelines prevents misunderstandings and potential disputes.

Legal obligations and FTC (Federal Trade Commission) guidelines are the rhythm that ensures everything moves smoothly and safely. They’re not just formalities. 

They’re essential for maintaining trust and transparency in your campaigns.

But why does adhering to legal and FTC guidelines matter?

👉 Builds Trust

Consumers today are savvy; they value authenticity and transparency. Adhering to legal standards, like disclosing sponsored content, helps maintain this trust.

91% of consumers value honesty about products and services from the brands they support.

👉 FTC guidelines

The FTC has clear guidelines requiring influencers to disclose their relationships with brands. 

This can be as simple as adding #ad or #sponsored to posts. Non-compliance can lead to legal troubles and fines for the influencer and your brand.

👉 Global considerations

If your campaign reaches an international audience, consider differing regulations like GDPR in Europe. Compliance here is a legal requirement.

👉 Clarity on deliverables

Legal guidelines help define the scope of work, usage rights, content ownership, and other critical elements. This clarity prevents misunderstandings and potential disputes.

So, how do you incorporate legal standards into your influencer contract?

Clearly outline the requirement for FTC compliance in your influencer marketing contract.

Define the nature of disclosures required for different types of content and platforms. Include clauses for adherence to other relevant legal standards, especially if your campaign has an international reach.

💡 Pro tip: While creativity is the heart of influencer marketing, compliance with legal obligations is its guardrail.

You want to safeguard your brand’s reputation and ensure a campaign that respects the law and your audience’s trust. ⚖️

Contract duration and termination clauses

Having a set education keeps expectations aligned.

The duration and termination clauses of an influencer marketing contract are like the framework of a building – they define its lifespan and provide a clear path for amicable parting, should the need arise.

Here’s how you can set the duration:

👉 Define the contract duration

This is the heartbeat of your campaign. It defines the start and end dates, giving both parties a clear timeline.

Whether it’s a short-term project for a specific product launch or a long-term brand ambassadorship, having a set duration keeps expectations aligned. 

For example, a typical influencer campaign might last anywhere from a single post to a year-long engagement, depending on the campaign’s objectives.

👉 Consider milestone dates

For longer campaigns, setting milestone dates for specific deliverables helps track progress and ensure that the campaign stays on track.

But what if things go wrong and a contract termination is coming up? 

Here’s what to include in your agreement to navigate these challenges:

Conditions for termination

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes, campaigns need to be adjusted or halted. Your contract should outline the conditions under which either party can terminate the agreement. 

Common grounds might include breach of contract, failure to meet performance metrics, or external factors like market shifts.

👉 Notice period

Include a clause specifying the notice period required for termination to avoid abrupt endings. This might range from immediate notice in cases of breach to 30 days for more amicable separations.

👉 Settlement terms

If the contract is terminated early, clearly state the settlement terms. This might include compensation for work completed, reimbursement for expenses incurred, or other considerations.

👉 Post-termination obligations

Sometimes, obligations extend beyond the contract’s end, like confidentiality or non-disparagement clauses. Clearly outlining these helps maintain a positive relationship even after the campaign’s conclusion.

​Drafting an influencer marketing contract: Step-by-step guide​

7 steps to write a contract.

Drafting an influencer marketing contract doesn’t have to be like solving a Rubik’s cube. 

With the proper steps, it can be as smooth as your morning coffee routine. ☕

Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting an influencer contract template that’s clear, comprehensive, and collaborative:

Step 1: Set the stage

Start with the Basics. Begin by outlining the essential information. This includes your company details, the influencer’s details, and the agreement’s effective date.

Here’s an example: “This Influencer Marketing Agreement is entered into by [Your Company Name] and [Influencer Name], effective as of [Date].”

Step 2: Define the scope of work

Next, outline the campaign goals. What are you aiming to achieve with this influencer partnership? Increased brand awareness? More sales? 

Be specific.

Detail the deliverables. Specify the type and number of posts, stories, videos, etc., expected from the influencer.

Here’s an example: “The influencer will create and share three Instagram posts and five stories highlighting the product over a one-month period.”

Step 3: Nail down content specifics

Once you define the work scope, you must nail down the content.

Give a clear brief on the content style, tone, and any must-include elements like hashtags or product mentions.

Don’t forget to include your brand guidelines

A summary of your brand guidelines ensures content alignment.

For example, “Content should reflect a casual, authentic tone, aligning with [Your Brand] ’s aesthetic of [describe aesthetic]. All posts must include the hashtag #YourBrandRocks.”

Step 4: Clarify compensation

The next step is to define the compensation details.

Whether monetary, product-based or a mix, detail the exact compensation terms. 

Remember also to outline when and how the influencer will be compensated.

Here’s an example of how to add this to your contract: “The influencer will receive $500 per post, payable within 30 days of each post’s publication.”

Step 5: Legal and compliance

And on the legalities. State the need to comply with FTC guidelines and other relevant legal requirements.

For example, “All content must clearly disclose the partnership with #sponsored or #ad as per FTC guidelines.”

Step 6: Duration and termination clauses

Your contract is almost ready.

The next step is to detail the contract period. State the start and end dates of the contract. Follow this with the termination conditions.

Clearly define the terms under which either party can terminate the contract.

Step 7: Final review and sign-off

So, what do you do after you’ve created your influencer marketing contract? 

First, you must put it through a review process. Both parties should review the contract thoroughly. It’s okay to go back and forth on revisions until both parties are satisfied.

Don’t forget to leave space to capture those signatures. End with a space for both parties to sign and date the contract, making it legally binding.

And voila! 🎉 You’ve just drafted an influencer marketing contract that’s as sturdy as a well-built bridge, ensuring both parties are on the same page and ready to embark on a successful collaboration.

A girl is taking a selfie on a pink background.


And there you have it – your insider’s guide to crafting an influencer marketing contract that’s as solid as diamond and as clear as crystal. 💎

Before you go out and find an influencer, consider using an influencer analysis platform to find the perfect match for your brand.

These platforms can provide invaluable insights into potential collaborators, helping you make informed decisions.

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