
How to find social media influencers

by | Dec 18, 2023 | Marketing Tips

Do you want to learn how to find social media influencers? 🕵️

With over 3.6 billion people on social media, finding the perfect influencer is tricky. 

At Click Analytic, we’ll show you how to find social media influencers to take your brand from zero to hero. Read on! 

💡 Pro tip: Want to skip the hassle? Grab a free trial of our influencer marketing platform and quickly find the perfect influencers for your brand.

What is a social media influencer?

A social media influencer is more than just an online personality. They’re the trendsetters and trusted experts in their fields. 

With a loyal following, these influencers have the power to shape opinions and drive trends. They’re not just posting content but creating an impact, inspiring action from their engaged audience.

At the heart, these influencers share one thing: authenticity

They connect with people on a personal level. Whether through a captivating Instagram story or a thought-provoking tweet, they turn every post into a meaningful conversation. 

That’s why brands need them. They don’t just advertise; they build relationships.

4 Types of social media influencers

How to find social media influencers. Did you know the right influencer can save time and money improve engagement roi.

Social media influencers come in various sizes, each with unique strengths:

👉 Nano-influencers: The closest to everyday consumers, they have followers under 5,000. They boast high engagement and deep trust. Learn how to find nano influencers for real success.

👉 Micro-influencers: With 5,000 to 100,000 followers, they’re known for niche expertise. They offer authentic, relatable content. Check out these hot micro-influencer tips to help you make money.

👉 Macro-influencers: Sporting 100,000 to 1 million followers, they’re often rising stars or well-known in specific fields. They provide broad reach.

👉 Mega-influencers: Celebrities and renowned personalities with over a million followers. They offer massive exposure but less personal engagement.

Each type offers unique opportunities for brands to connect with different audiences. So, before you find an influencer, know what you’re looking for.

3 Ways to find social media influencers

Did you know you don't have to spend much time or money to find the perfect social influencer?.

There are 3 ways to find social media influencers.

1. Do a manual search

Manual searching is a hands-on way to discover influencers:

👉 Explore your followers: Sometimes, the perfect influencer already follows your brand. Look for active, engaged followers with a substantial audience.

👉 Use hashtags: Search for relevant hashtags in your niche. Influencers often use these to reach a wider audience. Look for posts with high engagement.

👉 Check competitors: See who’s following your competitors. This can reveal influencers already interested in your industry.

Manual searches are time-intensive but can uncover genuine influencers already connected to your brand.

💡 Pro tip: If a manual search sounds like the way to go, check out our 5 secret hacks to manually find influencers on Instagram.

2. Use an agency

Partnering with an agency simplifies the search:

👉 Expert matching: Agencies have a vast network of influencers across various niches. They match your brand with the right personalities.

👉 Full-service support: Agencies handle everything from strategy development to campaign execution. This includes content planning, negotiations, and performance tracking.

👉 Time and resource-saving: While more costly, agencies save time and effort. They bring expertise and industry insights, ensuring effective campaigns.

Using an agency is ideal for brands seeking a comprehensive, hassle-free approach to influencer marketing, but it can be expensive.

3. Use an influencer marketing platform

One of the most efficient ways to find influencers is through an influencer marketing platform like Click Analytic:

👉 Rapid discovery: Click Analytic lets you find influencers quickly, accessing the world’s largest influencer database with over 250 million profiles​.

👉 In-depth analytics: Analyze detailed influencer stats, including audience metrics and performance data, providing comprehensive insights​.

👉 List building and management: Streamline your influencer campaign by building influencer lists and generating content creator emails, saving significant time​.

👉 Results tracking: Automatically export content and monitor campaign results, giving you direct feedback on the effectiveness of your influencer partnerships​.

👉 Audience scanning: Identify potential ambassadors and creators from your existing social media audience​.

👉 Proven success: Click Analytic is acclaimed for its ability to scale influencer programs efficiently, as evidenced by testimonials from top e-commerce brands and agencies​

​​Using a platform like Click Analytic offers a comprehensive, user-friendly, and practical approach to identifying and collaborating with the right influencers for your brand.

A man in a lab coat is holding a clipboard with social media icons.


Now you know how to find social media influencers.

Which is the best method?

Use software, like an influencer marketing platform. Let the software do the hard work for you, saving you time and money.

What’s next? Once you’ve found the perfect influencer, learn how to create an influencer marketing contract.

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