
Taylor Swift’s impact on the NFL (An infographic)

by | Feb 14, 2024 | Marketing Tips

So, the Super Bowl isn’t just about football anymore. 

This time around, Taylor Swift shook things up big time. 🏈

She turned the whole event into something way bigger than anyone expected.

Yes, this year’s Super Bowl was the most watched Super Bowl in history!

Is it all because of the Swift effect?

Join us at Click Analytic as we look at how Taylor Swift impacted the NFL.

5 Big wins for the NFL, thanks to Swift

Here are 5 ways Taylor and the Swifties impacted the NFL. 👇

Taylor Swift and her impact on the NFL - An Infographic

1: More brand value

Guess what? 

Taylor Swift boosted the NFL and the Kansas City Chiefs’ brand value by a whopping $331.5 million this season. 

Yep, you heard that right. 🤯

How did she do this?

We used our influencer vetting platform to analyse Swift’s social media presence.

👉 Taylor has over 280M followers, and her audience is growing at almost 4% monthly! That’s 11M new followers every month.

👉 She gets over 51M average Reels views!

👉 60% of her audience are women.

It shows just how much star power she’s got and how a big name can really lift up the whole sport’s vibe.

2: More women tuning in

For the first time since 2000, more women are watching the NFL. 

It’s like Taylor Swift sprinkled some of her magic, and now the NFL is hitting the right notes with a broader crowd, making the game everyone’s game.

And marketing companies are taking note.

As a result, Super Bowl LVIII featured various health and beauty products advertising for the first time, with each 30-second ad costing a reported $7 million!

Among the new brands joining Super Bowl advertising were E.l.f., Nyx Professional, and CeraVe. Dove even aired its first Super Bowl ad in almost two decades.

3: Everyone’s watching more football

Here’s the deal: both men and women are watching more football. 

Men’s viewership increased by 6% and women’s by 9% compared to last season.

This was the most-watched Super Bowl in history.

4: Travis Kelce’s merch through the roof

Amidst all the Swift hype, Travis Kelce’s jerseys are selling like crazy, with sales up 400%

It’s clear: when a player shines (and aligns with the right influencer), their merch flies off the racks. 

The cherry on top?

Travis’ follower growth on instagram has sky-rocketed by over +125%!

It’s a win-win for the players and the NFL.

A screenshot of a dashboard with graphs and graphs.

5: Swifties stepping into sports

Taylor’s fans, the Swifties, aren’t just about music anymore. 

They’re three times more likely to buy NFL gear and twice as likely to catch the game. 

It’s pretty cool to see music fans getting this pumped about sports.

What can we learn from this?

So, Taylor Swift’s Super Bowl magic wasn’t just a fluke. 🤔

It’s like a masterclass for anyone looking to get into influencer marketing. Here’s the lowdown on what we can pick up from the whole Swift-Super Bowl saga:

👉 Pick the right stars to align with:

Taylor Swift teaming up with the NFL was a match made in heaven. 

She has the kind of universal appeal that can boost a brand’s cool factor. 

The takeaway? 

Find someone who gels with what you’re all about, and your brand could hit the jackpot, too.

👉 It’s not just about the numbers:

Sure, sales and views are great, but there’s more to it. 

Swift’s stint with the NFL shows us that the right partnership can make your brand more valuable in the long run. 

Think bigger than just the immediate stats.

👉 Welcome everyone to the party:

The NFL’s viewership became much more diverse thanks to Swift. 

It’s a heads-up for businesses to start embracing everyone. 

Diverse marketing isn’t just lovely; it’s smart business.

👉 Turn fans into super fans:

Swifties going wild for NFL merch proves that tapping into existing fanbases can turn them into supercharged brand lovers. 

Imagine turning passionate fans into your very own brand warriors. 

Pretty cool, right?

👉 Keep it real:

The magic probably worked because Swift’s love for the game felt real. People can sniff out fakes a mile away, so whatever you do, keep it genuine. 

Authentic vibes are crucial to winning hearts (and wallets).

Final thoughts

In a nutshell, Taylor Swift and the NFL showed us that with the right approach, influencer marketing is like striking gold. 

But remember, it’s all about being intelligent, authentic, and ready to embrace everyone. 

Dive into the mix with the right attitude, and who knows?

Your brand might just be the next big thing to shake up the scene.

Want a secret weapon? Grab this free trial of our influencer marketing platform. Use it to find influencers and create influencer marketing magic.

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