
How to calculate the engagement rate on Instagram

by | Jan 26, 2024 | Marketing Tips

Ever wondered how to calculate the engagement rate on Instagram

You’re scrolling through your feed, seeing those likes and comments stack up, and pondering, “What does this all mean for my brand?

Here’s a reality check: studies show that a robust Instagram engagement rate can skyrocket customer trust and brand credibility

At Click Analytic, we’re not just giving you the formula; we’re handing over the secret decoder to unlock the true potential of your Instagram analytics. 🚀💡

So, buckle up as we dive into the nitty-gritty of Instagram engagement rates

From likes to comments, we’ll show you how to turn those numbers into a success story. 

Let’s get calculating! 📊🔍

How to calculate the engagement rate on Instagram.

Calculating the engagement rate on Instagram: 2 Quick methods

Cracking the Instagram engagement rate code – sounds like a task for a digital detective, right? 🕵️‍♂️ 

But fear not! 

We’re here to turn you into an engagement rate guru quickly! 

Here are 2 quick methods to get those calculations rolling:

1. Engagement rate based on reach

The formula: (Likes + Comments) / Reach x 100


Add up all likes and comments on a post.

Divide by the total reach of that post.

Multiply by 100 to get your percentage!

💡 Pro tip: Need help figuring out how to calculate the reach? Check out this handy guide on 7 influencer marketing KPIs to monitor and how to calculate them.

But wait, why use this method? 

👉 It’s perfect for measuring the impact of your content on the audience it actually reached. 

Because sometimes the audience you reach isn’t the audience following your content.

2. Engagement rate based on followers

The formula: (Likes + Comments) / Followers x 100


Total those likes and comments again.

This time, divide by your total number of followers.

Multiply by 100 – voilà, you have your engagement rate based on the number of followers!

Why calculate engagement like this? 

This method is great for a bird’s eye view of how your content resonates with your follower base. 🦅

Why and how to hire a micro-influencer. Did you know? micro influencers typically have better engagement, higher engagement, and higher roi.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the engagement rate on Instagram

Now that you know how to calculate the engagement rate on Instagram, let’s teach you everything you need to know about this critical influencer marketing metric.

What is the Instagram engagement rate?

The engagement rate is a nifty little percentage showing how much your audience interacts with your content. This includes likes, comments, shares, and saves compared to your follower count or reach.

Why should you care?

It shows how much your audience loves (or doesn’t love) your content. 

A high engagement? You’re hitting the right notes! 🎯 

A low engagement? It’s time for a strategy remix! 🔄

How to tell if an Instagram account is fake: Did you know? click analytics can identify fake followers and fake accounts.

What contributes to the Instagram engagement rate?

Several factors impact your Instagram engagement rate, including the following:

👉 Content quality

Your content is your masterpiece. High-quality, captivating, and relatable content is like a magnet. 

It draws people in and keeps them hooked. 🎨🖌️

👉 Posting frequency

Regular posts keep your audience engaged. But remember, it’s a fine line between just enough and overdoing it. Find your sweet spot! 🗓️⏳

👉 Audience interaction

Engagement is a two-way street. 

Respond to comments, slide into those DMs, and keep the conversation flowing. 

It’s all about building a community that resonates with your vibe. 💌💬

Mix these factors right, and watch your Instagram engagement rate soar like a rocket! 🚀

Did you know? you can refine your strategies where work doesn't.

What does a good engagement rate look like?

A good engagement rate typically dances between 1-5%

It’s the sweet spot where your content truly resonates with your audience.

But these numbers can vary.

For instance, a beauty brand with 10% engagement is hitting it out of the park, while a tech company might be over the moon with 3%. 

👉 It’s all about your niche!

Another example could be a fashion influencer with 100K followers. The influencer racks up an average of 2,000 likes and 100 comments per post. 

That’s a solid 2.1% engagement rate, right in the industry’s golden range. 🌟

Remember, a good engagement rate isn’t just a number; it reflects your brand’s connection with its audience.

Click Analytic can help streamline influencer marketing.

7 Strategies to improve your Instagram engagement rate

So, you want to improve your Instagram engagement rate?

Smart move!

Here are 7 electrifying strategies to send your engagement rate to new heights:

✅ Engage to be engaged

Respond to comments and DMs, and engage with your audience’s content. It’s like a boomerang of engagement! The more involved you are, the more engaged they become.

✅ Hashtags are your best friends

Use relevant and trending hashtags. They’re like secret paths to new audiences on Instagram!

✅ Timing is everything: 

Post when your audience is most active. It’s like hitting the engagement jackpot! 🕒💰

✅ Stories and Reels

Embrace Instagram’s dynamic features. Diverse content types are your golden tickets to increased visibility and engagement.

✅ Quality over quantity

Craft captivating, high-quality content. Make every post a masterpiece, or you risk spamming your audience with poor-quality content. And that’ll push your audience away.

✅ Influencer collaborations

Team up with influencers. It’s like a crossover episode that everyone talks about! Yes, go and find an influencer. They’re far more affordable than you think.

✅ Analytic tools

Employ tools like our influencer marketing platform to track and analyse your performance. You’ll quickly see what content drives engagement and what sinks your ship.

Common engagement rate mistakes to avoid

Understanding Instagram’s engagement rate can sometimes feel like walking through a minefield! 💣

Here are some common pitfalls to sidestep and ensure your journey to engagement success is a smooth one:

❌ Obsessing over vanity metrics

Likes are great, but don’t forget comments, shares, and saves. Look at the bigger picture!

❌ Ignoring content quality

We’ve said it before, and it deserves repeating. Engagement isn’t just about quantity. Quality is king! 🚀

❌ Forgetting audience demographics

Your content should resonate with your specific audience. Know their likes, dislikes, and peak times!

❌ Overlooking the importance of hashtags

They’re not just add-ons; they’re powerful tools for discoverability!

❌ Relying solely on automation

AI tools help, but a personal touch adds magic. 💫

Steer clear of these common missteps, and you’re on your way to becoming an Instagram engagement wizard! 🧙‍♂️✨

A man in a lab coat is holding a clipboard with social media icons.


And there you have it: 2 quick formulas for calculating the engagement rate on Instagram. What’s next?

You grab this free trial of our influencer marketing platform. Find influencers and let our software take care of calculating the engagement rate.

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