
How to tell if an Instagram account is fake

by | Jan 11, 2024 | Marketing Tips

How to tell if an Instagram account is fake?” – Ever wondered about this while scrolling? 

You’re not alone! 

Instagram’s bustling with over a billion users, but hey, not all are real. Brace yourself because nearly 95 million of these users are bots! That’s right, 9.5% of those profiles might be fake! 🤯

At Click Analytic, we’re diving into the world of fake Instagram accounts. We’ll unravel the tell-tale signs, why they’re a big deal, and how you can dodge these digital deceivers.

What is a fake Instagram account?

How to tell if an Instagram account is fake: Did you know? click analytics can identify fake followers and fake accounts.

A fake Instagram account is an account on Instagram pretending to be something it’s not. 

Sometimes, they’re called “imposter accounts,” “bots”, or just plain “fakes.” 🤖

How does it work?

Someone grabs photos, names, and details that aren’t theirs and whips up an account. Voila! 

A fake profile is born. 

Why do they do this?

They might be doing it just for kicks, spreading lies, or even sneakily following someone.

Now, let’s chat about fake accounts and the influencer illusion. 

Imagine an influencer’s profile blooming with thousands of followers. Impressive, right? But hold up, what if many of those followers are fakes? Yep, it’s a thing! 🤬

Fake accounts can puff up an influencer’s follower count, making it look like they’ve got a massive, engaged audience

Brands looking to splash out on influencer partnerships might fall for this trick, thinking they’re hitting a goldmine of attention. But in reality, it’s just a mirage of bots and ghost accounts.

💡 Pro tip: Did you know a fake follower checker can reveal fake follower accounts?

When brands partner with these influencers, they expect real eyes on their products. But if those followers are just fakes, it’s like shouting into the void. 

No engagement, no sales bump – just a lot of wasted time and money. Ouch, right? 

So, it’s super important to learn how to tell if an Instagram account is fake.

Why are there so many fake Instagram accounts?

There are many reasons why people use fake Instagram accounts. Here are some of the top reasons why this is one problem that isn’t going away soon:

👉 They want fame:

Some folks are after the spotlight. They create fake accounts to boost their ego with many fake followers or appear cooler online. It’s all about racking up the likes and looking like the next big thing.

👉 They want to be anonymous

Anonymity’s a big draw. With a fake account, people can say or do things without it tracing back to them. They can unleash controversial opinions or even just fan-girl over a band anonymously.

👉 They want money

There’s cash in fakes! Seriously, some people sell followers or promote stuff sneakily. They turn those faux-fans into real money, tricking brands and individuals alike.

👉 They have bad intentions

Then there are the troublemakers. They’re out to scam, impersonate, or cause some mayhem. They spread harmful links, bully others, or stir up trouble, all from the safety of a fake profile.

For all these reasons, it’s no wonder Instagram is bustling with fakes. It’s like a digital Wild West; everyone must watch their step!

How to tell if an Instagram account is fake: 7 Ways

Luckily, several excellent ways to tell if an Instagram account is fake exist. Let’s share some of the more manual methods with you.

1. It has zero or few posts

Did you know an influence marketing platform can help spot follower takers?.

Now, imagine you’re scrolling through Instagram, and you find an account with a big, round zero on the post count or maybe just a handful of posts. Red flag alert! 

Many fake accounts are lazy. 

They’re not there to share life updates or vacation snaps; they’re all about the scam game.

These ghost-town accounts might be trying to stay under the radar. No posts mean no attention from Instagram’s spam hunters.

Or maybe they’re biding their time, waiting to unleash a wave of spam once they’ve gathered enough followers to make a splash.

And here’s a twist: some of these barely-there accounts aren’t lone wolves. They’re part of a bigger pack, created in batches to boost another account’s followers or likes. 

It’s all about quantity over quality for them.

So, if you stumble upon an account that’s as empty as a ghost town, tread carefully. It might just be a fake lying in wait! 🦈

2. It has irrelevant posts or comments

Long term relationships with influencers build trust and improve engagement.

Ever seen a so-called fashionista’s account randomly blasting about the latest cryptocurrency? 

Odd, right? 

That’s because fake accounts often don’t stick to the script. They’ll post whatever gets them clicks, even if it means a jarring switch from haute couture to Bitcoin overnight.

These accounts are like chameleons, changing colours for whatever scam or spam they’re pushing. 

They might look legit at first glance, but a closer look at their posts reveals a mishmash of irrelevant or suspicious content. It’s all a ruse to seem active and attract victims.

And it’s not just the posts; watch out for the comment section too! 

Ever noticed those random, spammy comments on popular posts? 

Great pic! Buy followers here!” or something equally out of place? 

Yep, that’s them. These bot-driven comments are trying to lure in the unsuspecting or plaster their scammy links all over legit pages.

So, if an account’s content feels more like a random jumble sale than a curated gallery, or if the comments seem like they’re shot out of a spam cannon, proceed with caution.

3. Its profile is incomplete

Did you know? 85% of marketers now work with influencers.

Picture this: you come across a profile with no bio, no profile picture, or just a name that sounds like someone mashed the keyboard. 

Sketchy, right? 

That’s because incomplete profiles are classic hallmarks of the fakes.

These no-frill profiles are like mystery boxes.

The owner is probably not keen on sharing their real story. Maybe they’ve left out their bio, or their profile pic is just a default shadow. 

Sometimes, they’ll throw in a random name or location to seem more believable, but don’t be fooled.

While it’s true that not everyone’s an open book on Instagram, a profile that’s practically a blank slate is waving a big red flag. 

⚠️ It’s like walking into an empty store; something’s definitely off.

4. Its follower-following ratio is out of balance

A man in a suit with the words did you know?.

Get ready for some Insta-math! A wonky follower-to-following ratio is a big clue in the fake account mystery. Picture an account following thousands but followed by only a few, or vice versa.

It doesn’t quite add up, right?

Here’s the deal: some accounts are just there to pad follower numbers. They follow heaps of accounts, hoping for a follow-back to boost their stats. 🥸

Others might boast a huge following but barely follow anyone, often because they’ve bought a crowd of ghost followers to look famous.

Buying followers is like stuffing your party with mannequins to look popular. Sure, the numbers go up, but the engagement is dead silent

👉 And since Instagram’s not outing the fakers, it’s up to you to play detective.

So, when you spot an account with a follower-following ratio that screams “weird,” take a step back. 

It’s probably not the genuine connection you’re looking for.

5. It has a strange username

Did you know 75% of marketers plan on spending more influence money on influencer marketing.

Have you ever bumped into an Instagram username that looks like someone’s cat walked over the keyboard? Random letters, numbers, and a couple of underscores thrown in for good measure? 

That’s our next red flag.

These bizarre usernames aren’t creative flukes; they’re often the fingerprints of bots or scripts churning out fake accounts by the dozen. 

They’re like the barcodes of the bot world, each one a ticket in their scheme of scams or spam. 🤖

And here’s a twist: some of these weird usernames are actually trying to mimic real ones. 

They might tweak a celebrity’s username just enough to confuse fans, all part of their impersonation game.

So, your fake radar should be buzzing when you come across a username that makes zero sense or tries too hard to be someone it’s not.

6. It uses generic or stock photos

Did you know an influencer marketing platform can help you find with influencers?.

Ever seen an Instagram profile with a picture that looks like it’s straight out of a catalogue? 📸

Perfectly posed, too good to be true, or just plain generic? 

That’s a classic move in the fake account playbook.

Fake accounts often shy away from using real, personal photos. Instead, they opt for stock images or generic pics you might find with a quick internet search. 


Because they’re trying to stay anonymous, hidden behind a veil of generic beauty or blandness.

And then there’s the wild side. 

Some fakes crank up the heat with X-rated or NSFW images. 

It’s all a ploy to reel people in, either for a quick follow or more sinister motives. Whether fantasy baiting or just trying to stand out, these profiles are trouble with a capital T.

So, beware when an account’s profile pic looks like it could be on a billboard in a shady corner of the web. It’s often a sign that you’re dealing with a faker.

7. It promotes too often

Influencer marketing email templates: Two men in business suits with the words did you know?.

We know. You must’ve encountered those messages or posts promising the moon, stars, and a bag of cash. 💰

Win $50,000 now!” or “Free goodies, just DM us!

Sounds too good to be true, right? That’s because it usually is.

Fake Instagram accounts love to play Santa all year round, sending out promotional posts and DMs like they’re going out of style. 

They flood your request inbox with quick cash offers, exclusive deals, or freebies

But here’s the catch – they’re fishing for something much more valuable: your personal info. 🎣

These scammy accounts prey on the hopeful and the hurried, dangling, dazzling offers to swipe credit card details or hack accounts. 

It’s a classic bait-and-switch, where the scammer behind the fake account is the only winner.

Can a fake Instagram account harm my influencer marketing?

Did you know? any brand can work with micro-influencers.

Absolutely, and here’s how.

When brands work with an influencer, they’re not just buying into a person but investing in their audience’s trust and engagement

Companies shell out big bucks for influencers with a hefty following, hoping to tap into a larger, loyal audience.

But here’s the sting: if fake followers prop up those influencers, it’s like putting your ad on a billboard in the middle of nowhere. 

Those fake accounts won’t engage, buy, or advocate for your brand. 

⚠️ They’re just numbers, and numbers don’t create buzz or sales.

So, when a brand partners with an influencer who’s inflated their audience with fakes, they’re pouring money down the drain. 

The expected boom in audience and customer base turns into a bust. 

It’s not just a waste of money; it’s a missed opportunity to connect with real, engaged customers.

How can your brand avoid fake Instagram accounts and work with genuine influencers?

A man holding a clipboard with the words did you know?.

So, how can your brand dodge the fakes and team up with genuine influencers? Use an influencer vetting platform.

These platforms are like digital detectives. They specialise in sniffing out the real from the reel. 

Here’s how an influencer vetting platform safeguards your brand from the fakes:

✅ Audience analysis: Our platform dives deep into the sea of followers to fish out the fakes. It scrutinises follower lists, spotting bots and inactive accounts with savvy AI-powered software. You’re left with a clear picture of genuine, engaged followers.

✅ Engagement rates on display: Engagement is the heartbeat of genuine influence. Our platform showcases the actual engagement rates of potential influencer partners. High engagement rates with real users mean real impact, ensuring your message resonates far and wide.

✅ Quality over quantity: We know it’s not just about the numbers. That’s why Click Analytic focuses on quality connections. Our influencer marketing platform helps you identify influencers whose audiences align with your brand values and customer base, ensuring a fruitful partnership.

✅ Peace of mind: With Click Analytic, you can confidently step into influencer partnerships. Our insights and analysis mean you’re informed, prepared, and protected against the pitfalls of fake accounts. 

No more guesswork or gambling, just strategic, successful campaigns.

So, wave goodbye to the fakes and say hello to authentic, impactful influencer marketing.

A man in a lab coat is holding a clipboard with social media icons.


Now that you know how to tell if an Instagram account is fake, what’s next? You grab this free trial of our influencer vetting platform and find influencers to help your brand succeed. It’s quick, hassle-free, and, most importantly, genuine.

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